Let's talk monitoring.

If you have ever used a computer then you know how annoying a crash is. What if you're not at home or work? You wont know about a crash until someone tells you, or you are on-site. Whether you are hosting your kid's minecraft server, or have a Point-Of-Sales machine you need to know if it is operational. Allow us to help you keep track of all that. We use a portable, high-efficency linux machine plugged into your local network to keep track of all your machines. The versatility of the open-source platform allows us to build custom monitoring tools specific to your needs. For further redundancy we utilize a larger "master" server to monitor all of our clients remotely. In case of an outage we are still able to notify you as it happens. Don't want to be called for notifications? We can also have automated texts sent straight to your email and phone! Please contact us today for a live demo!